Committee Member Role Description and Duties
The role of a committee member (ordinary member) elected to represent on the Committee is to provide support to the General Committee ensuring that it sets and meets its goals and objectives and is administered according to the Constitution Rules and completes all legal and compliance obligations.
A Committee members responsibilities are wide and varied and may include, but certainly not limited too.
• Participate in meetings;
• Voting on key directions and decisions addressed by the committee;
• ensuring the association is run according to its rules and any other strategic plan that has been agreed to;
• Support the office holders with various operational duties in an officer capacity. For instance, membership officer, grants, or fundraising officer.
• Assisting in resolving disputes and grievances;
• initiating projects;
• overseeing activities and projects; and
• representing the Association at external meetings and events
role of a Committee Member
Be well informed of the Associations activities, especially those of any Sub committees.
Have a good working knowledge of the constitution, rules and by laws, policies, and procedures as well as the duties of all office holders.
Committee members generally contribute to the development, definition and delivery of Blind Sports WA’s activities and responsibilities:
Culture and behaviours
Goals and objectives and documented strategies
Ensuring compliance and legislative obligations are met.
Ensure the health and safety of all participants.
Follow the Associations policies and procedures.
Assist the Chairperson and Secretary in their duties as required.
Undertake tasks at the request of the Chairperson or General Committee Member.
Undertake club portfolios specified by the Chairperson or other Committee members.
Participating in Meetings
Attending and actively participating and contributing to Committee meetings is a core function of a Committee Member.
Essential Skills and Requirements
Dedicated person
Ability to provide calculated opinion in group discussions at Committee meetings.
Outgoing personality
Effective communicator
Be discreet and able to maintain confidentiality on relevant matters.
Hold or willing to apply for a current volunteer “working with children” check (if required)
General Committee members are expected to:
Act in the best interest of the members always
Attend Committee meetings.
Undertake the role in good faith and honesty.
If at any stage the Committee Member becomes aware of a personal conflict of interest, real or perceived between themselves and Blind Sports WA they should immediately notify the Chairperson of the conflict who will immediately inform all other Committee members.
For additional information on the roles and responsibilities of a committee Member, please refer to the Blind Sports WA rules of association.